2017.12.14UHC Youth Japan 2017の活動/ About Youths activities

UHC Youth Japan 2017 composed of twenty medical students and young medical doctors in Japan was established in September 2017 to promote the concept of UHC among youths in Japan and around the world. The group aims at leading the advocacy role on UHC from Japanese youths’ viewpoints. The group has conducted various activities, including drafting the first-ever Youth Statement on UHC to announce its summary at the UHC Forum 2017 Public Event, producing a short movie on UHC, holding workshops, and organizing an official Side Event at the Forum.

Youth Statement | ユース声明
English ver: “Japan Youth Statement on Universal Health Coverage: A Chance for All” (published on 14 Dec, 2017)
Japanese ver:「ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ 日本ユース声明 A Chance for All」(2017年12月14日発表)

Short Movie on UHC
“Universal Health Coverage – Message from Japanese Youth”
(published on 12 Dec, 2017)

Youth Dialogue